
Welcome to the Crash Course on How to Pitch Passive Candidates.

We've designed this course to be a no-frills tutorial on how to find and engage the toughest type of candidate in the job market; the passive candidate.

You'll notice the course isn't long. There is no flowery language, lengthy lectures or academic cross-examinations. This is a bare-bones program that aims to improve your recruitment performance immediately.

Before we dive in, here are a few quick notes:

  • You can go through this course at your own pace. However, we suggest you try and complete the course within a week.
  • There is a flow to the content. Hence, we advice students to go through the course from beginning to end.
  • If you are an experienced recruiter, you might find certain lessons elementary. Feel free to skim through these lessons quickly.

Alright, let's dive in!

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